Legal trouble can arise when you least expect it. In the Orlando area, consumers in need of legal services can find many qualified resources for courtroom self-help, pro bono legal aid, domestic violence resources, and general court information. The links below introduce some of the top-quality resources for legal issues in the greater Orlando area, including many free community workshops and providers.
Divorce attorneys and divorce lawyers in Orlando are prepared to help you through any legal proceedings and may be able to provide information about divorce support in Orlando.
Self-Help Court & Legal Resources
Many basic legal procedures can be safely undertaken on your own, assuming your decisions are backed by quality legal advice. With extensive self-help resources, you can find the forms and background information you need to execute basic tasks, such as name changes or even prepare to represent yourself in a divorce court in Orlando Florida. Circuit and district courts offer detailed, free information, and there are many options from nonprofit groups, including Orlando divorce support groups.

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- Florida State Courts Self-Help: Verified self-help resources including information, forms, and referrals for family law, probate, landlord-tenant disputes, small claims, mediation, and more. Provided by the Florida State Court System.
- Florida Law Help: Compendium of legal self-help forms and guides supervised by Florida Legal Services, Inc. Topics include consumer protection, education, family law, housing, individual rights, disability, domestic violence, and several areas related to seniors and the workforce.
- Orlando Divorce Attorney: No discussion of Orlando legal resources would be complete without mentioning Ayo and Iken PLC. We offer a full range of different cost-effective types of legal assistance.
- Orange County Circuit Court Online Resources: Verified directory of forms, resources, and online services for the Orange County Circuit Court, which services Orlando. Forms include dockets, published opinions, self-help publications; online fine payment and case record searches are also available.
- Seminole County Public Library Legal Guide: Florida legal resources in the form of a Law Guide provided by the public library system of Seminole County, which neighbors Orlando. Government, consumer, and criminal justice law is covered. Legal forms and law research portals are also available.
- Florida Consumers’ Guide to Legal Help: Legal help resources from the American Bar Association, including multiple self-help links as well as information on finding legal representation and doing legal research.
- Ninth Circuit Court of Florida Self-Help Resources: Official information from the Ninth Circuit Court, which encompasses Orange and Osceola Counties, including Orlando. Over a dozen legal self-help topics are covered.
- Orange County Clerk of Courts: Office of the Clerk of Courts for Orange County, offering facts and services to help citizens handle a large variety of basic legal processes and issues.
Legal Aid Resources
Numerous nonprofits, legal associations, and even full-service private law firms offer free legal aid resources and consultations; particularly to those who cannot afford legal services at the usual rates. Local and state bar associations are particularly effective at providing low-cost legal referrals to qualified professional attorneys, but there are also several other options in Orlando depending on your specific needs.
- Legal Aid Society of the Orange County Bar Association: Pro bono legal aid referrals covering branches of law including family, housing, immigration, consumer, employment, and guardian ad litem.
- Florida Bar Legal Referral Service: Voluntary association of lawyers in good standing of the Florida bar who have agreed to provide half-hour consultations to clients in need for no more than $25. Appointments can be arranged online through a form where visitors specify the kind of lawyer and help they need.
- Victim Services: Legal Resources: Legal resources from the Florida Bicycle Association focused on the needs of bicyclists who have been involved in traffic incidents, particularly with uninsured motorists, or who need “bike-friendly” attorneys.
- Christian Legal Society: Pro bono (and “pro deo”) legal service information and law clinics provided by the Christian Legal Society. Also offers special benefits and help for attorneys and law students.
- Student Legal Services: Legal help for students and young people and dealing with issues such as landlord-tenant relations and other legal issues affecting younger Americans. Though UF is located in Gainesville, many resources are applicable to residents of Greater Orlando.
- Legal Services Corporation: A listing of legal resources in the state of Florida.
- Gulf Coast Legal Services: Regional nonprofit that serves as a counseling, education, and advocacy center for people throughout Florida’s central and west coast region, including Orlando and several other major cities.
- Law Help: Online outreach center of the national nonprofit Pro Bono Net, linking low- and moderate-income people in need to free resources in their local area. Resources are available in all 50 states and Puerto Rico.
Domestic Violence Shelters/Resources
Domestic violence is a serious problem that affects women and children in Florida and throughout the United States. There are many dedicated women’s shelters offering safety, support, and empowerment to those who lose their homes and have nowhere else to turn due to a violent and abusive spouse. Likewise, national resources provide the legal and social support to heal. Resources for those interested in a legal separation or divorce support in Orlando are also available. As the rate of domestic violence and divorce in Orlando, and throughout the country, raises at an alarming pace, divorce lawyers in Orlando are on hand to help you through this difficult process.
For the health and safety of your family and yourself, it is important to remove yourself from violent or harmful situations. Seek out the assistance of experienced divorce attorneys in Orlando and divorce support in Orlando to help you through divorce court in Orlando Florida.
- Florida Domestic Violence Resources: Huge amount of information for domestic abuse sufferers and survivors throughout Florida, including crisis, support, and legal aid information and hotlines.
- Harbor House of Central Florida: Domestic violence prevention center serving Orange County and providing hope, help, and legal advocacy for both women and children who suffer domestic abuse.
- Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence: Provides information on domestic violence prevention programs and shelters across Florida, as the online clearing house for a statewide anti-abuse alliance.
- Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida: Advocacy and important facts for homeless and transient citizens, including those who have been displaced from their home environment due to domestic abuse or divorce in Orlando Florida.
- Orlando Union Rescue Mission: Provides transitional housing, help, and empowerment for women and children throughout Orlando. Also sponsors several programs focusing on bettering the emotional health of men.
- Central Florida Commission on Homelessness: Includes a list of shelters for women and children, as well as a guide to finding free meals, counseling, and workshops. Important hotlines and a map of key sites in the area are provided.
- Safehouse of Seminole: Safe and confidential temporary shelter for women and their children who have been victimized by domestic abuse. Also operates a 24-hour crisis line. Court advocacy and healing support groups are available.
- Do You Need a Domestic Violence Attorney?: Information about the legal options involved with domestic violence cases.
- Central Florida Domestic Violence Hotlines: Directory of important numbers to know if you or someone you know has been the victim of domestic abuse; covers the entire Central Florida area. Compiled by theOrlando Sentinel.
Divorce Court Resources
Divorce is a challenging and difficult time for anyone, regardless of the shortcomings of the marriage being dissolved. There are often many factors to consider, including finances, custody issues, and the splitting of any property. Many divorce attorneys in Orlando specialize in family law cases and are glad to help. Divorce lawyers in Orlando can help you resolve any pending issues in a divorce court in Orlando Florida, such as child support, custody arrangements, and alimony. There are also a variety of nonprofits seeking to protect the rights of women and men undergoing divorce.
- Steps in a Divorce Proceeding: Provides a chart of the steps in a divorce proceeding, both when there is and is not a settlement, and relevant documents and guides pertaining to each step. Detailed question-and-answer pages are organized for each milestone in the process. Provided by one of the prominent divorce attorneys in Orlando.
- Divorce Advice for Women: Free information from the nonprofit Women’s Institute for Financial Education, with an emphasis on the money matters that surround divorce, but also giving legal strategy and law news.
- Divorce Recommendations for Parents & Teachers: A divorce is always more difficult when a child is involved. Learn how to best approach and respond to the subject of divorce with children.
- Divorce & Separation: An overview of basic divorce laws and the separation of assets.
- Considerations in No Fault Divorce: Learn what no fault divorce means and find more divorce resources.
- No Fault Divorce: Understand the basic function and ideas behind no fault divorce and how it has affected the legal community.
- Six Types of Divorce – Learn about the different types and aspects of divorce that may enter into a divorce court in Orlando Florida.
- How to Act in Court: Advice on how to behavior in divorce court in Orlando, Florida.
General/Misc. Legal & Court Resources
Law is a deep and complex field, and there is always more to learn, whether you are a legal professional or interested in securing and protecting your rights, information is always changing and expanding. Even with all the valuable websites included, still other state, national, and global sites can help you with your legal battles. Here are just a few more trusted names in legal advocacy and research.
- Library of Congress Legal: Complete legal research reference material from the Library of Congress online, including legal collections, databases, “blawgs,” and various legislative resources.
- Worldwide Legal Directory: Online law and government compendium sponsored by an independent consortium of law firms and covering legal topics, research, and latest developments for both legal professionals and consumers around the world.
- LexisNexis: One of the largest and best-established legal resource databases in the United States, regularly used by educational institutions and law firms to support their legal research needs.
- Legal Resources from NFPA: Local, state, regional, and federal laws, codes, and statute information provided by the National Federal of Paralegal Associations, the umbrella organization for bodies representing the legal assistant profession.
- Immigrant Legal Resource Center: Nonprofit advocacy and legal information center for immigrants to the United States facing a variety of challenges on the path to full inclusion and citizenship. Also includes training, publications, and seminars.
- Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center: Immigrant advocacy resources specifically geared toward non-citizen populations living and working in the state of Florida, with a full range of services and assistance pertaining to detention, children, immigrant women, and workplace justice.
- Children’s Rights: When children are involved in a divorce court in Orlando Florida, it is important to understand and recognize the child’s rights.
- Florida Law Information: A collection of legal, agency, and government resources in Florida.
- Divorce & Children: A collection of resources for parents going through a divorce.