We are proud to announce our managing partner, Howard Iken has been designated by SuperLawyers as a Rising Star. The designation recognizes Mr. Iken’s years of dedication to his clients, his professionalism. and his standing in the legal community.
The process for selecting SuperLawyers candidates:The General Survey
Requests for nominations go out to area lawyers. They are instructed to nominate lawyers they have personally observed in action — whether as opposing counsel or co-counsel, or through other firsthand courtroom observation.
The Research Process

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In addition to the general survey, the attorney-led research team reviews the credentials of potential candidates and assigns points based on a set of defined evaluation criteria. The research staff also confirms that nominees are properly licensed, in good standing with the state licensing agency, and, when possible, that they have no history of disciplinary action that would warrant removal from the list.
The Final Selection Process
The point totals from the general survey and research process are then added to arrive at a final tally. The lawyers are ranked by point totals and those with the highest point totals are named to the Rising Stars list. No more than 2.5 percent of the lawyers in the state are named to the list. To ensure a diverse and well-balanced list, the research staff considers factors such as firm size, practice area and geographic location.
Mr Iken primarily practices in the areas of divorce and custody law, consumer bankruptcy, and criminal law.
Our consultations are always free. Call us at 800-469-3486 for a free, confidential meeting with one of our attorneys at a location convenient to you.