The Peaceful Time of the Year?
The Peaceful Time of the Year ? By Attorney Howard Iken: An old saying I once heard: Statistics don't lie, but liars use statistics. I have always been fascinated with statistics, what they supposedly show, and whether they represent something that is true. I stumbled across this interesting graph showing trend lines for everyone in Florida that searches for the word Ayo and Iken Howard Iken
New Same Sex Marriage Laws in Florida 2014
New Same Sex Marriage Laws in Florida 2014 An update on our companion website: The Florida Courts have been been busy addressing what seems like an avalanche of same-sex marriage challenges to the present constitutional ban. For some people the ultimate goal is to be able to file Dissolution of Marriage cases Ayo and Iken Howard Iken
Can I Take My Spouse to the Cleaners for Cheating?
Can I Take My Spouse to the Cleaners for Cheating? If you have discovered that your spouse is cheating, you are likely to experience a wealth of emotions like anger, betrayal, sadness and fear. Adultery is one of the most common causes of divorce, but many spouses are appalled when they talk to a Florida divorce attorney about the relevance of infidelity to the issues in a divorce. Television dramas often depict spouses telling their marital partner, “I am going to take you to the cleaners for cheating.” These threats often occur following scenes where a spouse has discovered irrefutable proof of adultery. While a person dealing with the betrayal of a spouse has every reason to be upset, he or she often is dumbfounded Ayo and Iken Howard Iken
Does Filing Bankruptcy Mean Losing My Personal Residence?
Does Filing Bankruptcy Mean Losing My Personal Residence? Television commercials and advertisements inform delinquent borrowers that they can save their homes by filing for personal bankruptcy. But is it true — or just too good to be true? The bankruptcy process is designed to help people keep as much of their property as possible while repaying their debts. An important issue in the bankruptcy process involves what to do with the debtor’s primary residence. In some situations, you can file for bankruptcy and keep your home, especially if it meets the criteria to qualify for “exempt” status. The first step in this process involves deciding whether to file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. Ayo and Iken Howard Iken
Diffusing Anger in a Rising Argument
Diffusing Anger in a Rising Argument The process of divorce isn’t an easy one–obviously there are reasons why this is happening and they’re probably not very pleasant. What you once had faith in is now whittling away and rising are feelings of anger, resentment, and more. Even though you’ve made the right decision it’s easy for more arguments to arise during this transition. There are simple ways to diffuse anger, avoid arguments, and make this process overall much more peaceful. Here are five simple ways Ayo and Iken Howard Iken
Negative Home Equity and Property Division in a Florida Divorce
Tips on handling negative equity in a home when you are involved in a Florida Divorce. A quick rundown of complications, issues, and challenges.
Three Ways To Improve Prospects in a Florida Child Custody Case
Three Ways To Improve Prospects in a Florida Child Custody Case By Attorney Howard Iken: While child custody cases can be difficult on both parents and their children, parents who are able to amicably develop a parenting plan with timeshare arrangements that are mutually acceptable can significantly ease the emotional hardships often experienced in Ayo and Iken Howard Iken
Action News Interviews Attorney Howard Iken
Action News Interviews Attorney Howard Iken Attorney Howard Iken discusses peak in divorce filings at Valentine’s Day each year. Each year many different effects come together to form a perfect storm of divorce filings. The holidays always bring high expectations and hard feelings. The winter break is a time of turmoil in custody and choice of school conflicts. And federal tax refunds provide the fuel to fund new divorce filings. Ayo and Iken Howard Iken
Ayo & Iken Retained in George Zimmerman Divorce Case
Ayo & Iken Retained in George Zimmerman Divorce Case TAMPA, Fla., Feb. 11, 2014 / PRNewswire / — The law firm of Ayo & Iken PLC has been selected by George Zimmerman to represent him in his pending divorce case. The firm has designated a three-person legal team to review the case and address preliminary issues. Ayo and Iken Howard Iken
Happy Valentines Day??
Happy Valentines Day ?? By Emily Vasquez: February 14th, love is the air. We’re surrounded by images of roses, chocolate, diamonds…and divorce papers. Contrary to the loving holiday Valentine’s is cut out to be, it is actually the time of the year that requests for divorce lawyers increases at Ayo and Iken Howard Iken
Ayo and Iken announces Scholarship for Florida Seniors
Ayo and Iken announces Scholarship for Florida Seniors The Law Firm of Ayo and Iken PLC establish a scholarship to recognize separated households still focused on meeting their children’s needs. We are proud to announce a cash scholarship essay contest to benefit college bound children from separated Florida households. Two $1,000 cash prizes will be offered by the attorneys at Ayo and Iken PLC to help focus attention on examples of lifelong commitment by couples who—despite being divorced—succeed in providing the support and guidance necessary for children’s academic success. With law offices across Florida, the law firm has Ayo and Iken Howard Iken
Moving Out of the Family Home in a Florida Divorce: [Part II]
Moving Out of the Family Home in a Florida Divorce: [Part II] By Attorney Howard Iken: This is the final installment of our two-part blog post discussing the advantages and disadvantages of moving out of the family home during a divorce. Because this is an issue that people ask about in the majority of divorces, we have provided an analysis of the issues that Ayo and Iken Howard Iken